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Mirė Se Vini ne oLTi@NeT Froum
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 Hack Hotmail Password (cookie)

Shko poshtė 

Male Numri i postimeve : 164
Age : 34
Vendii : Vushtrri
Registration date : 05/09/2008

Hack Hotmail Password (cookie) Empty
MesazhTitulli: Hack Hotmail Password (cookie)   Hack Hotmail Password (cookie) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 10, 2008 7:36 am

Ok pra nierz ktu osht ni metod qe ka funksiionu ma heret per ‘crackimin e pass. te hotmailit’ permes 'cookies'.. besoii qe edhe tash duhet te funksiionoi.

Gjesendet e nevojshme:
1. Cooki Stealer
2. Photoshop
3. Hex Editor
4. Patch/packer program.

shkojm: -->
1. Hape nje faqe punuese te re me programin per editimin e foto. (photoshop) dhe bone ni Picture me madhsi prej 1 pixel,
2. Pergadit “Cookie Stealer” Server
3. Perdor sa me shum patch/packer programe ne serverin e “cookie stealer”.
Per shkak se behet me i pa diktueshem.
4. Beje procesin e Hex`imit (hexadecimal) n`foto, paketoje ate me programe tjera si psh: exe merger.
5. Shto/qite pikturen prej 1pix. ne e-mail/leter, shkruaj si titull “Hej (psh. emri i viktimes: afrim) Hej Afrim loqk po me mungon shum” loool apo ku ta di un, diqka qe
viktimen e nxit ta hap patjeter mesazhin.!
5. Dergo e-mailin..
6. Do t`dergohen cookiet a viktimes tek ju, zevendesoni ato me tuajat duke u kycur ne msn+hotmail / yahoomessenger+yahoomail.
7. Futjani Refresh
8. Jeni n`inbox t`deshiruar
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Hack Hotmail Password (cookie)
Mbrapsht nė krye 
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